
Installation Management Process

- What is the Purpose …

The installation management  and all related tasks of the supervisor to ensure the handover of the job to the customer in Time and in superior Quality.

The installation management is an outline about the most essential activities of a supervisor and project manager. The detailed know-how of the different activities is crucial for the work activities.

The installation management modules give an overview of these tasks and help the supervisor\PM to run his business activities in a structured way.

- Roles and Responsibilities

A supervisor is responsible for supervising the installation process and ensuring that the necessary measures to guarantee the installation targets are in place. Here are some of the principle activities:

  • Plan and distribute the work, among the group in accordance with both demand and company procedures.
  • Supervise and control the tasks of new installation and modernizations assembly.
  • Supervise the execution of works, materials, assemblies and documentation.
  • Ensure performance targets are achieved.
  • Implement installation methods release by the Group.
  • Resource planning, skill planning.
  • Ensure that the site is prepared as requested.
  • Check that the tools and documentation are available.
  • Ensure that requested resources are available.

- What is Needed …

in order to be successful in Installation Management Process the supervisor has to be fully aware of the Activities + Process”.

The Activities + process for New Installation and Modernization significantly influences customer satisfaction and helps increasing the safety of work.

The process steps and tools compiled with EGGEEC Process and Activities and binding for all parties/entities involved in the New Installation and Modernization process.

- Process Overview

The Activities + process consist of mandatory activities starting before offer creation and covering the complete process until handover. This self-study provides an overview about the most essential activities, their relevance and responsibilities.

overview with all the key activities

  • Planning & Specification
  • Sourcing & Logistics
  • Installation
  • Approval & Handover

By reviewing the process, it is clear that a supervisors focus should not only be on the “Installation” block but he/she will have to also be involved with Planning & Specification, Sourcing & Logistics and Approval & Handover.

Therefore there is more to Installation Management Process then just installation on itself.

- Closing Message Benefits

At this point it should be clear for you to see the benefits of following the Installation Management Process.  By following the process you achieve to:

  • Reduce risk of incidents in the region by improving safety standards.
  • Improve Quality of New Installation/MODERNIZATION installations.
  • Improve Customer Satisfaction.
  • Higher process efficiency due to aligned processes, no duplication, etc.

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